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Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle

A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.
"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."
Or so we are told.
Oh really?
Hmm. Let's see now.
Let us investigate the matter.
It is men who have produced the greatest works in allof the arts - literature, poetry, music, paintings, sculptures, films, plays, architecture etc. ...
It is men who have progressed most of our understanding in just about all areas to do with science, engineering and medicine - astronomy, chemistry, biochemistry, physics, geology, cosmology, mathematics, economics, geography, climatology, aeronautics, pharmacology, surgery, computer hardware, software etc etc etc etc ...
It is men who have built the houses, the bridges, the roads, the railways, the dams, the factories
It is men who have built the houses, the bridges, the roads, the railways, the dams, the factories, the ships, the canals, the monuments, the airports, the churches, the offices, the tunnels, the engines, the industrial machinery etc. ...
It is men mostly who have worked in the factories, the furnaces, the sewers, the mines etc. ...
It is men mostly who have, rightly or wrongly, fought the wars, fought the crimes, fought the elements, fought the odds etc. ...
And it is men who have invented, discovered and done just about everything that has ever been invented, discovered and done.
So it seems to me that, while an individual woman might well need a man as much as a fish needs a bicycle, women, as a whole, need men just as much as a fish needs water.
In other words, women need men just to survive!
In fact, both men and women need men like a fish needs water.
The whole human race does.
As such, the more that men are disadvantaged, disorientated, dissuaded, demonised and discriminated against, and, hence, the more alienated and the more destructive they become, so it is that the whole human race will pay a heavy price.
And yet for the past decade or so, we have seen various 'scientists' proclaiming hither and thither that men are becoming redundant, that their presence will soon no longer be required, that their faulty Y chromosome is going to disappear and that, in essence, they are merely parasites on women.
But look at the list above.
Would women ever do what men do?
Could women ever do what men do?
Would women even want to do what men do?
I suspect not, for the most part.
And yet one often hears western women proclaiming quite seriously that they are now "independent of men", and that they no longer need them.
The truth, however, is that they are still as dependent on men as they ever were.
For just about everything.
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